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De-Shedding services


Poochies Place provides a patented all natural safe De-shedding treatment that is guarenteed to work miracles.  We first look at the cause of the shedding and then use a scientifically proven effective method to safely remove the dead shedding undercoat. The result is a shed free unbelievable new healthy coat which is shed free for 6-8 weeks. Your pet will have fresh healthy skin.You will have a happy pampered pet and a happy hair free home! Guaranteed


Step 1 :  Skin and Coat Analysis

It is first important to first look at your pets breed, coat type, skin condition, diet, medical history and any underlying factors that may be causes the shedding. It usaully comes down to 2 major issues; your dogs breed and diet. Some dogs shed naturally, some dogs shed during certain seasons, and sometimes its a dietary concern. We take all of these factors into consideration and determine what products to use and what methods to use and if your pet is a good candidate for our deshedding service.

Step 2: Deshedding powder application and mineral mask

We take into consideration that most shedding dogs have dry irritated flaky skin, so 90% of the time a "deshedding rake" or brush is not an option,it will only agitate the skin and make the condition worse. We make use of all natural products which latch onto the dead hair follicles, while depositing necessary vitamins into the healthy ones. The mineral mask provides essential moisture and natural light oils to coat the hair shaft and soothe the skin.This is applied to the coat and a special dead hair removal technique is used to remove the first layer of dead hair.

Step 3.  Deep cleaning deshedding shampoo is applied and pre-rinse method is used

Step 4: Skin conditioning treatment with coconut almond milk

Step 4:  Skin conditioning mask

The next step goes beyond normal deshed services and uses a special patented very effective all natural shampoo which activates with the deshedding powder and cause the dead hair to fall from the follicle,painlessly. This is the hair that you would usaully see a few hours after your normal deshed service.  Our pre-rinse method uses a high velocity air system that gets into the undercoat and actually penetrates the dead hair follicle with the shampoo. The cleansing agents remove dirt and debris while the moisturizing agents strenthen and shine the healthy hair follicles.. creating a healthy smooth shiny new coat, while removing the dead old coat.

Its now time for your pet to relax in a luxourous skin and coat conditioning mask. This is the final product used to provide a nice smelling, healthy, beautiful skin and coat treatment. Your pet will then continue to go to the grooming room for a brush and dry, where a special nozzle plced on the dryer will remove the final hair layer.

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