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Poochies Place Amelia Breslin Interview

Poochie's Place Pet salon was featured and interviewed in the 2015 spring edition cover story for Pet Elite magazine

Poochies Place pet grooming toothpaste voted #5 in USA

Poochies Place

lindenflower parsley all natural homemade toothpaste  was voted as the number 5 pet dental product in the country out of a list of 100 on 

article on Poochie's Place pet groomng as best Pet salon in Phiadelphia

Poochies Place was recognized as the best Pet salon in Philadelphia by Pet Parent magazine, as voted by the residents of Philadelphia


Poochie's Place Client Mason Kimbisa came in 2nd in the country at the Abkc nationals, after his spa day at Poochie's Place using the all natural blueberry coat shine spray and baking soda shampoo before the competition. Congratulations!

pochies place pet salon swag bags

Recent Achievements

Poochie's Place

all natural blueberry coconut pet spa facial mask was included in the swag bags, as a luxury gift item, at the Latino film industry oscar party

at the Avalon in Hollywood, California

best pet grooming Poochies Place
Poochies Place best Pet grooming

Philly Happening List award

Best Pet Grooming 2014 and 2017

was in the top 5 in 2015 and 2016


Voted # 1




PHL17 Philly Hotlist Award

Best Pet Grooming Salon 2013 and in the top 5 2015 and 2016


Voted #1


best pet grooming Poochies Place Pottstown PA

Recent Media

Amelia Breslin Poochies place best pet grooming 19464

Local Groomer Gone Green

Sam Newhouse

Northeast times, Star Newspaper, Broadstreet media

October 16, 2013


Did you know pet hair can be com­pos­ted? The own­er of Pooch­ie's Place in NoLibes does — she’s us­ing tons of it, plus oth­er ma­ter­i­als from her shop, to help the earth.


Com­ing up on her one-year an­niversary groom­ing cats and dogs in North­ern Liber­ties,  new ideas cook­ing that are chan­ging the whole nature of the busi­ness....



Poochies Place owner Amelia Breslin was inteviewed at the national hardware pet industry tradeshow for the best paw pad treatmets to use

Hello, Snow! Dog Grooming Supplies for Winter Shoppers


Poochies Place  was inteviewed at the national hardware pet industry tradeshow 

Angela Tague

Industry edge, Pet professional trade magazine

National Hardware show , Las Vegas, NV

October 31, 2013


Events/ fundraisers

Acct Animal Care and Control Team Phialdelphia
Cat adoption event at Poochie's Place


We are proud to say that all kittens and cats were placed in loving forever homes


Grooming adoption event

Poochie's Place donated a business day to a cause. All pet grooming from 8 am -9pm was half price and all money was donated to Acct philly. Thank you to everyone who came out and participated.

Big Brothers Big Sisters NYC

Black tie big night out event

The Cipriani, NYC


Poochie's Place  participated in the black tie gala by donating to the silent auction raising money for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Foundation.

Caring people alliance

Caring paws fundraiser

Rw Brown Center Philadelphia PA


Poochie's Place took place in this event by donating to the silent auction, helping to raise money to educate local children about animal abuse.

Current recycling intiative to keep waste from the last fills and recycle it into pet toys and compost. All products are non profit and donated back to the community.

Please contact us for our full list of past fundraising events

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